Our office address is:
Arxia SRL, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Str. Tipografiei nr. 28

To discuss a new potential project, please contact:
CEO Daniel Homorodean
Direct phone: +40 744 399 015 

For other matters, including logistic aspects, please contact:
Direct phone: +40 740 574 934 

For inquiries about ProcessPlayer, please contact:
Florin Popovici - Procurement Specialist
Direct phone: +40 740 574 968

Legal registration information:

Arxia Srl
Registration number in the Romanian Commerce Register: J12/914/1996
VAT number: RO 8472530
Registration office: Str. Primăverii nr. 8, ap. 262, Cluj-Napoca, 400540, ROMANIA
Working office: Str. Tipografiei nr 28, Cluj-Napoca, 400101, ROMANIA
Current bank accounts at: Unicredit Bank Romania